The benefits of using LED grow lights for controlled environment crops are well documented. One of the reasons why some growers are reluctant to invest in these plant lights is affordability. Horticulture distributor Hort Americas is working with LED grow light manufacturer GE Current (a Daintree company) to ensure that its customers make the right choices to meet their lighting, production and profitability requirements.
Lee Levitt, Director of Current North American Utilities, said: "Hort Americas and Current have been monitoring what financing solutions are available to our customers and their projects. "This includes public utility rebates and gifts provided by federal, state, and local municipalities. And loans, or help solve energy supply problems in the deregulated market, and have the potential to use creative financing solutions. Our team supports and educates the gardening market by paying close attention to what is happening in this market.
"With my role at Current and my more than ten years of experience in utility rebates, we have provided a way through Hort Americas to maximize customer experience in utility participation. We can work with customers to take advantage of their potential The largest rebate received."
Levitt said geographic location is the main driver of who is eligible for utility rebates and how much dollars in rebates are available for specific projects.
"Geography is definitely the driving factor for these rebates," Levitt said. "Organizations, whether they are state governments, federal agencies, or power companies, as well as the familiar traditional rebate type programs, will provide growers with different opportunities based on their products, scope of work, and scope of work. Their factories are located in various parts of North America. ."
Levitt said the scope of work refers to what the project might look like. "This could be a greenhouse, a warehouse, a refurbishment or a new building," he said. "This also includes whether to replace LED lights or tubes or install new fixtures. We also help support our customers to ensure that they take advantage of all eligible rebate measures. The scope of a project may be larger, and the entire building analysis may have significance."
"The current cooperation with Hort Americas is to support and take advantage of the largest rebate qualification opportunities based on the conditions that customers may meet. This applies to any type of facility, no matter where it is located, and any obstacles that may exist based on the geographic location of the facility (if any if)."
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