10 must-have low-light indoor plants that you'll love

2022-07-15 21:24:17 By : Ms. Sophia Tang

Are you afraid to grow or keep indoor plants inside your home because you think they will not survive in low light? Worry no more - we have just the perfect 10 must-have low-light indoor plants that you'll love!

Haven't we all loved the idea of growing gorgeous indoor plants? Maybe keep a small plant in your bedroom or decorate your drawing (living) room with a couple of generous plants. But deciding on and maintaining indoor plants inside your home can be a bit daunting, especially when you are a first-time plant owner.

I'm sure you must have come across many such articles wherein there are twenties and thirties of low-light indoor plant names with beautiful images. However, how many of those low-light indoor plants are actually worth keeping inside your homes? Are they safe? Do they fall within your budget?

We have this article for the sole purpose of answering these critical questions. Here we will divide the 10 must-have low-light indoor plants that you'll love into two broad categories - indoor plants on a budget (under Rs.300) and non-toxic indoor plants.

There are multiple reasons as to why you should opt for low-light indoor plants. Here are some of those reasons that will convince you to get your own low-light indoor plant -

Low light NEVER equals ZERO light!!

Low-light indoor plants are generally the plants that solely receive indirect daylight and still manage to survive.

If you are speculative about whether plants will grow with no daylight whatsoever, they CAN. However, there is one condition - you must employ some adequate artificial lights. Otherwise, with zero light, your plant will eventually die.

If you are unsure what low-light you have, contemplate this :

If your indoor space does not have sufficient windows, you must leave lights on for (approximately) twelve hours daily. On the contrary, you can rotate your low-light indoor plants for a couple of weeks at a time before moving them back to a naturally lit room.

Grown in either soil or water, lucky bamboo plants are one of the low-light indoor plants. As the name suggests, lucky bamboo plants bring in good fortune and luck (as per Feng-shui), particularly if the plants are given as gifts. Hence they are often found in homes and offices.

Another reason to get these indoor plants is they are almost indestructible. Lucky bamboo plants prefer low light conditions but can also flourish in (almost) full-shade conditions. The only thing to remember is not to keep these plants close to leaky areas inside your home.

Price: Rs.200 (price may vary depending on the stem set)

Tip: Do not over-water this plant as it may rot, and your plant will gradually die.

Caution: The stems are slightly toxic to pets if they nibble on them.

Snake plants are evergreen eternal low-light indoor plants with stiff, thick, and stripped leaves that grow directly from the soil. These plants are immensely eye-catching in appearance, showcasing yellow or white markings on their leaves.

Can a mother-in-law's tongue grow in a low-light situation? Oh, YES! Fully affirmative - 100 percent yes, they can!

Some common names for this plant are Tiger’s Tail, Mother-in-law’s Tongue, Viper’s Bowstring Hemp, and Saint George’s sword. They are quite versatile by nature and do not fuss about their sunlight conditions! Also, snake plants have a comparatively long life - they can effectively flourish for decades. Snake plants are vastly popular owing to their air-purifying qualities and gorgeous leaves. This low-light indoor plant can thrive equally well in full sun and low light.

For example, I have one (huge) snake plant in my room, one (huge) in my small duck in low-light conditions, and about five-six more on my terrace and balcony in full and mild direct sunlight (respectively).

Price: Rs.299 (price may vary depending on your location)

Tip: Do not over-water this plant as it may rot, and your plant will gradually die.

Caution: The leaves are slightly toxic to pets if they nibble on them.

The Jade plant is a well-liked succulent low-light indoor plant. It has oval-shaped, fleshy leaves and thick, woody stems similar to miniature tree trunks. With simply an ounce of care, it will grow to be between three and six feet tall. However, remember that this plant has a slow growth, i.e., it will grow roughly two inches in a year. So be patient with it.

Native to Africa (specifically South), Jade plants were popular to bring good luck to their people. Since they are commonly known to grow inside, you can get them to your homes from a nursery or start potting at any time through propagation.

Usually undemanding and relatively simple to grow, these low-light indoor plants can get a range of diseases if neglected.

Price: Rs.200 (price may vary depending on your location)

Tip: Do not over-water this plant as it may rot, and your plant will gradually die.

Caution: All parts of the Jade plant are slightly toxic to pets if they nibble on them.

All Arrowhead Vines are easy-to-care indoor plants as far as you keep in mind to water them. They are tolerant of low-light conditions and can grow efficiently anyplace in your home. Their leaves show a vivid variety of colors and patterns; hence, select the one that closely fits your persona and ambiance.

Starting out as lovely, compact, well-behaved house plants, they tend to open up and extend in every direction as they grow. So do not back down when pruning back these abundant growers, as they are likely to become fuller plants once pruned!

The most rattling attribute of this versatile indoor plant is that you can train them to grow in any manner you want! (Excited much?!)

Their tendrils can attach themselves to the surfaces (like a stake or wall). The older plants, however, will need your help to tie them to their supports to allow the new growth enough time to stick themselves to the stake. While younger, smaller Syngonium plants can notice their support all by themselves!

Syngonium is the proper houseplant for folks with a minute to no plant care expertise, i.e., beginners. They can flourish for a stretched time without any fertilizer, and you can place them in any area in your home.

Price: Rs.200 (price may vary depending on your location)

Tip: Keep the soil moist enough. Rotate the plant weekly to achieve balanced growth from every side.

Caution: Syngonium plants are poisonous if ingested by kids and pets.

Some common names for the Weeping Fig are Ficus Tree, Benjamin Fig, or simply Ficus. Ficus plants prefer the sun but only in a moderate amount (just like any other indoor plant). So if you see the leaves becoming droopy, try to change their position to somewhere with a bit more light.

Weeping Figs is correctly named as they tend to be a bit fussy if moved around too much. This indoor plant will start showing shock signals in the form of droopy leaves (almost immediately). However, do not stress, give them some time to adjust, and they will begin blooming again!

Price: Rs.150 (price may vary depending on your location)

Tip: Keep the soil slightly moist throughout.

Caution: The leaves are slightly toxic to pets if they nibble on them.

An Asian self-sufficient indoor plant - a Lady palm - is one more in-style low-light indoor plant for your home. These plants are highly tolerant of low-light conditions since they belong to a family of shrubs. They also act as air-purifying plants.

Additionally, these indoor plants flourish best within the shade, need almost negligible maintenance, and are simple to grow. All you've got to try is remember to water it one or two times per week.

Tip: A Lady palm likes normal room temperature conditions, therefore, do not put it close to windows.

Caution: These indoor plants tend to attract little bugs and insects. However, you can easily wipe them off the leaves with a wet cloth.

The Spider plant is one of the easiest-to-grow and highly adaptable houseplants. The name generates owing to its spider-like offshoots, known as spiderettes, that suspend from the parent plant.

Chlorophytum comosum (scientific name) comes in varicolored varieties (most common ones are green), typically starting out as white, little flowers. Despite the name, Spider plants are the best low-light indoor plants, especially if you are a beginner. It is popular for decreasing indoor pollution and purifying the air.

There are a couple of ways to keep these low-light plants in your homes - you can either pot them or hang them. All you need to do is keep this indoor plant in well-drained soil and out of direct daylight, and they will survive for a long-long time!

Tip: Remember to frequently water them, as they require mild moisture to thrive. 

Originally from South Africa, Gerbera daisies LOVE attention (I mean, why not!) With pronounced vibrant petals and long stems, these houseplants will always welcome you with a lively spirit. These low-light indoor plants are fit for tropical climates and tend to supply beaming flowers and unfold quickly.

Although Gerbera daisies DO need a touch of pampering - you will have to deadhead the flower continuously to guarantee a full life growth of the flowers. Otherwise, these indoor plants are pretty easy to grow (Yes, even when you're a beginner!).

Yet another compelling reason to feature Gerbera daisies in your collection of indoor plants is that the flowers symbolize purity, love, and innocence - everything that should want in your home.

Tip: put them in a clean vase and replace their water (one inch) with a fresh one each day for at least a week to let the Gerbera daisies settle in and start flourishing.

A Purple Waffle plant, also commonly known as Red English Ivy, Waffle plant, Metal Leaf plant, and Red Flame, originated within the jungles of Java. The Waffle plant is a pleasant little indoor plant with colorful foliage, creating it a stunning addition to your home. This house plant grows about six to eight inches tall with twelve to twenty-four inch long stems and appears prepossessing in a hanging basket.

Its teenie-tiny stature makes the Waffle plant a perfect plant for decorating countertops, bedside tables, and desks. Or you can pair it with taller indoor plants, like Ficus and Palm trees. It is pretty easy to grow inside and is a treat for beginners!

Tip: Purple Waffle plants require enough water to keep their soil slightly moist.

One of the most forgiving plants, the Heartleaf Philodendron, is a highly adaptable indoor low-light houseplant.

It is low-maintenance, thrives well in low light conditions, has charming heart-shaped leaves, AND makes a lovely indoor hanging plant (do you really need more reasons to love it?)

You can place this plant anywhere you wish (whatever space you have), and it will flourish for years to come. Another common names for the Heartleaf Philodendron plant are Sweetheart Plant and (simple) Philodendron.

Hopefully, now you understand and know everything about these low-light indoor plants. I would really encourage you to embrace indoor plants and begin with one or two of the plants from our list - you can start with the easiest-to-care ones like Snake or Spider plants and see how things suit you!

I would also like to mention a few more indoor plants that you'll love if you DO NOT have pets or small kids at home or have enough experience. They are Peace Lily, ZZ plant, and Monstera - all three are superbly gorgeous, purify the air, and clean the aura securing peace in your humble home.

Do you have any favorite low-light indoor plants? Do let us know in the comments below!

Also Read: Top 10 awesome indoor bedroom plants - Check NOW

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